Mr John

By MrJohn


..... and pleasant land

This evening after work I decided to go for a stroll along the river to see if I could find my blip for the day. The rain was falling and the light poor. I'm begining to become increasingly aware of the limitations of my phone's camera. I photographed bounding rabbits, various birds ( including a heron ), and pigs ( on one of the allotments by the river ). All of those photos came out grainy and blurred.

The one thing that moved slow enough for me to capture in the low light were the numerous snails that were reveling in the damp conditions. This chap, although not the most colourful, was the least shy ( the other snails hid in their shells as soon as I approached with my phone to snap them ).

Despite the frustration of not getting the photos I wanted I really enjoyed the walk. The rain was refreshing, the smell of elderflower and Sunday bonfires filled the air and the birds were chirping away. I explored parts of the river I have never been to before, little paths through the foliage made by rabbits and small streams and pools off the main course of the river that were still and stained brown. I found myself eventualy getting home after three hours of exploring, I've no idea where the time went. I'll return to a few of the places I discovered today when I have a better camera.

As it was mainly hidden and small landscapes that I discovered on my walk, today's blip is a little.....

..... Green and pleasant land

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