Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Crummock Water

Its been a lovely day today which was very welcome after a wet few days and I was lucky enough to have a job to do in Loweswater this evening. I took Bonnie with me so that we could go to Crummock Water which is a favourite of ours, so that she could have a little paddle.

We were there for quite a while and it was quite late and we didn't see a soul. The sun was going down behind us and it bathed the fells in a lovely warm glow. I really love these light evenings and certainly made the most of it tonight. We left Crummock Water around 9.45 and it was still light! The only disadvantage was the midges and I forgot to take a long sleeved top and am now itching :(

Stopped off at Cockermouth on the way home for some diesel just in the nick of time as the garage was about to close, phew!

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