
By Madhatter

Memories of 10 years ago

Today it was the 10th anniversary of the 7th July bombings in London, I remember it so well, as my mum and my aunt were due to go to the Hampton court flower festival, and were supposed to be going by train. And would have arrived into Liverpool Street at the times the bombs were set off. I tried for 6 hrs to get hold of my mum, and my cousin was trying his mum, and then at 2:30pmi I finally got hold of my mum. . She said she was 'in a tent' and immediately I thought casualty, and asked her if her sister was ok... Oh yes, my mum said, she's just bought us an ice cream.... So I told her what had happened, so my aunt turned on her phone, and saw 11 missed calls from my cousin... It turned out my uncle had decided to go too, so had driven them there instead of using public transport... The picture above was taken by my uncle that day, and we used it on the order of service for her funeral a little over a year ago. It just hit me this morning that was when It was from. I just spoke to my aunt, and we both reminisced, and appreciated the fact that we had another 9 years with her.

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