Black Velvet

Today was the first time I've ever seen a truly black flower - a petunia which has been created in very recent years by a company called Ball Colegrave.  They have named it "Black Velvet", which is a perfect description of its soft dark petals.  Mum and I stood in wonder at the sight of such a stunning bloom.

To accompany this gorgeous creation, and rather than doing the obvious link to the track "Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles, I've chosen instead a very beautiful Stevie Wonder song, "Black Orchid" , from his double album 'Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants'.

Through the open window this morning, I heard the big whistle go off at the Tiptree jam factory up the road.  It usually signals the start and end of the shift, but today it was to mark the one minute silence for the victims of the 7/7 London bombings ten years ago.  Like thousands of other commuters, I can remember exactly where I was when it happened.  Fortunately for me, my tube train had only reached Harrow-on-the-Hill when the underground network ground to a sudden halt and it became impossible to travel into the city.  I never did reach work that day, and eventually managed to catch a series of buses home again to witness the terrible aftermath on television.  There but for the grace of God could have gone any of us, which is what makes the heart go out to any of the unfortunate souls who were caught up in it.

I got some more bits and pieces done around the garden this evening, which I'm finding really enjoyable and satisfying.  Next time I'm down, I hope to get some wood preserve and re-do all the things outside that need a new coat.  Mum never asks any of us in the family to do work on the house or garden, but we are very happy to offer.  I have to keep reminding her that we wouldn't do it if we didn't want to!

PS:  The black petunia looks great in the "large" view against the black background.

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