
By becky8770

Le Grand Depart visits Holland

Last Sunday we had the good fortune to be spectators at another famous and classic sporting event.  In the past we've done the Olympics and Paralympics, numerous rugby and football finals (in Richard's case), Wimbledon - you name it, we've been there.  This time it was the turn of the Tour de France - one of Richard's favourite items on the sporting calendar.  Funnily enough (for those of you not so familiar with the TdF), although it takes place mostly throughout France, it often starts in other countries (this is called the Grand Depart) and the festivities build up over several days.  This year it was the turn of the Netherlands and the city of Utrecht was lucky enough to host.

In sweltering 34 degree heat we watched many YMILs (cyclists - answers on a postcard please when you guess this abbreviation!) pedal extremely quickly around the time trial course.  Mark Cavendish passed in a flash - I missed him (or rather just saw his cycle helmet) as I was applying sun cream to my legs!  Who this is, in my picture, I have no idea and as the commentary was mostly in quickly spoken Dutch I couldn't have guessed!!

Richard also spent the obligatory fortune on merchandise for the children and near-bankrupted himself.  A good day was had by all.

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