It's All About The Feet

Yes, that is a Snowy Egret standing on that bridge rail and the yellow feet are an important identifier. He was my major serendipity of the day. My morning walk this morning was a little rushed, because I had a doctor's appointment. I saw these beautiful bright blue flowers, snapped a couple of quick shots and thought I had found my cover photo for the day. But I wasn't really happy with the way they turned out, so I went back this afternoon to look for them to get some better shots. I found out they are called Dayflowers for a reason----they didn't last. So I started back across the bridge over the creek to a place where I'd seen grackles drinking and bathing, but they weren't alone. Saw this tall white bird and started snapping away. He would wade in the water, then start dancing around and I just kept clicking that shutter. When he finally landed on the bridge rail, I was a bit worried that he might think I was a threat and that beak looks lethal. He just sized me up and flew off----and I had 181 pictures to go through!.....The extras are a few of my favorites.

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