A very colourful wedding cake

This is the wedding cake I've been working on for the last few days. A lot of work involved. Actually, last night I stayed until after 1.00 am finishing the cake because I had to deliver it today. Inside the cake there is a rainbow sponge. you'll find a picture of it in my extra photos. I've put another picture of the cake in my extra photos too.

After work, I went to check that the cake was still alright. The couple were just about to arrive to collect it, so I decided to take some pictures of it before that. To my dismay, though, I found a huge crack in the icing. How did it happen? I don't know! but I just had a few minutes to fix it as best as I could in those few minutes I had left!!! Aaaaargh! Panic!!!

When they came to collect the cake, I mentioned about the crack and I apologized explaining how I had tried to fix it. They were really nice about it though. They said they didn't notice it that much, that the cake looked lovely and they really liked it. I was momentarily relieved but I hope it doesn't happen again before the wedding...

Feeling exhausted now. It's gonna be an early bed today for me, as I had to get up early today for work and I have to get up early again tomorrow. Yes, working this weekend.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. Now that I have a bit more time, I'll try my best to catch up with your journals. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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