
It's been a tough day

At work most of my things are in boxes as we prepare for the big move to a private provider in two weeks . We have no choice in this and whilst there may be lots of positives it's really unsettling . It's all a bit "last day of school "

Lottie is also going through similar although for her it's even harder. It was Leavers mass tonight as they all prepare to leave primary school this Friday and she will be founding new beginnings . She is already very unsettled and mass was preceded by an entirely predictable phone call of someone letting her down who should have been seeing her this week .this gave way to tears along with a sense of resignation .

There were tears through mass but also beautiful singing and reading . It was then all mixed up with a load of giggling and laughter afterwards when they were each presented with a book of all their finest moments at school. I was reminded of the time she cut her own hair, the time she turned up to Roman day looking like a Greek ( that was my fault ), the day she went to a disco looking like she was in Dynasty. I have been reminded of her spirit .

She is a fighter is Lottie , she has not had an easy life in lots of respects and she has very little family that check in with her, she doesn't have grandparents calling for chats, she doesn't have family inviting her to stay, we don't have much other than the three of us . She doesn't have a unit of people so is big on self reliance .,She is strong and resilient and remarkably caring and empathic . She is definitely spirited .

The next few days are going to be swaying between smiles and tears but she has shown me how special she is tonight and she will manage .

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