Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Tweed Valley from Kirkton Manor

A cool day, but dry. I'm off, so I make the most of it by going for another bike ride down to the Borders. Almost the same ride as last Sunday, but in a clockwise direction, and a bit further.

I'm sure they said they'd be a SE wind on the forecast. More like a NE, it was definitely in my face cycling in from Penicuik. Wind was weird, some places not a blade of grass was disturbed, turn the corner, whole trees shaking. In the end I did just over 133km, or just under 83miles.

Sunday's ride picture was taken of the Tweed Valley looking towards Innerleithen. This picture is taken from near Kirkton Manor, further up stream, west of Peebles. Here the Tweed squeezes through a narrow gap in the hills.

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