Mr John

By MrJohn

New .....

..... toy

My new toy arrived in the post today. Regular readers of my blips will know that I have been becoming increasingly frustrated with the limitations of my iphone's camera, so on Sunday night after my river walk I ordered myself a nice little comapct digital camera. I have to admit that unlike my ongoing DSLR procrastination, choosing this was easy as the TZ20 is the camera that Earthdreamer uses ( if my photos turn out half as good as his I will be very happy ). It's been a couple of years since my last digital camera decided to stop working so it was about time I bought a new one.

If you were wondering why this photo was taken on an odd piece of furniture, the camera is resting on top of the headboard of the bed in my spare bedroom as this was the only uncluttered surface in my house I could find at short notice. I have friends coming around to mine for a jerk night this evening, as tommorow's cake night has been cancelled this week due to absenteeism of most of the regulars. Jerk night isn't as rude as it sounds, I am cooking a meal of jerk chicken casserole ( one of my mum's creative throw everything in a pot recipes that turned out edible ) with rice. Pudding will be a choice of Ice cream or fruit salad ( or both )

I will have a play with my new toy after work tomorrow, so today's blip is my .....

..... New toy

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