
By dennismccoy79


Making a new set of (outsize) barn doors is one of my goals for this summer, so when I saw the right tongue 'n' groove wood for sale locally I decided to snap it up.  It comes in two metre lengths and the Insignia boot just swallowed it as if to say "oh yeah, what else have you got?"  We tarried a while in Saint Céré for coffee in the Voyageurs (pic) before heading up the hill and home.  It has been a few degrees cooler today and it even rained for a short time this morning (see extra pic), but the rain evaporated almost before it was able to touch the ground.  In the afternoon I made a flyscreen for the downstairs bedroom, whilst N planned out new covers for the loungers.  In the last day or so she has also made the most wonderful plum jam (oh my swelling tum).  Hard not to drink wine after such a great day, Rosé and Red did the trick.

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