Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Sliced Apple Core

A day spent on a speed reading course, an absolute must in this day and age of information overload. Throughout the day the tutor kept getting us to benchmark our improvement; it wasn't looking good as my comprehension of what I was reading crashed from 80% to 30 % as my speed crawled above 200 words per minute.

I was sceptical, but persevered in the hope that it might help in dealing with the increasing burden of information I need to take in for my work.

Mostly by dumb luck my comprehension improved to 90% with a creditable 600 words per minute in the final test!

Just don't ask me what the article I had to read said! I know it's a contradiction with the comprehension score (I did say it was dumb luck).

A very quick emergency blip as we had pork for dinner and hadn't got any stewed apple so I had to use a traditional technique.

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