Snow at first sight

This was Little Miss' title for today's blip. Mr B and I had a busy day of construction. We've put together four of our 20 boxes (they then need to be painted) and had a lot of fun to boot.

Little Miss came home around 3.30 and we made the decision to head off to the snow for a play around. As we drove up to Mt Macedon, it looked as if we'd be disappointed. Then we spotted a little snow here and there. By the time we'd chosen a spot to park, the snow had started to fall and we had a great time in the winter wonderland that was. 

Maggie hasn't seen snow before, but really embraced it. She looked very happy as she pranced around.

We barely saw Cousteau as he raced here and there.

Home, tired, cold and soggy, but very happy.


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