#view from my window....the lights take ages to change and them swarms of people cross with arrows of the road on which side of the zebra crossing to walk!!!
Spent a bit of time here reading and gazing!!!
#very strange views indeed...The Rev in his "dock side" work gear to check out the new oil platform before it heads to Scotland.
#They love their dogs over here....little handbag ones and this is part of a massive shop for dog clothes, dog carriers, etc!!!!!
#very plush cinemas with banana/ bacon flavoured popcorn!!!...we went to see Inside Out with Korean subtitles. It was very good but some people were crying!!!!!

Fancied fast food for dinner.....KFC had run out of chips!!!!! ....and it was a 20 minute wait to cook the chicken....?????fast food guys!!

HAPPY.....for downloaded programmes on iPad can't watch BBC world news anymore on a loop!!!

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