Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

In a field

Lots to fill you in from the weekend but I will back blip those in the next day or so.
Today has been a doing day. We went for our dog walk over to the field, we saw lots of folk about to chat to and play with. And we had lots of fun watching Peppa in the cornfield being a kangaroo!!
She has a slightly sore paw at the moment though, so has spent most of the day with a bandage on it! She didn't like that though and managed to Houdini her way out.
After our walk, the minis and I headed to town to get Miss Pink's new glasses fitted. They suit her a lot, and are a lovely colour. Her shades are very cool too!
Master Pink spent his whsmiths voucher that has been burning a hole in his wallet. Due to the lack of wimpy kid books, he chose the Big Hero 6 DVD. At least he will watch it, they both love that film. Balalala!!!
After a detour to the supermarket, we came home to Miss Peppa, who was very pleased to see us. Less pleased when I got the brush out and attempted to remove a gazillion sticky buds from her coat. She's like Velcro to those things.
And tonight I've been ironing. For hours.

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