Tarawera Times

By Megl

Government Gardens

A trip into town this morning to do some chores and time to pop in to the Government Gardens. Wanted to try an idea from Guy Edwardes who spoke at conference, he used his extender on his 70 - 200 with a wide open aperture to shoot flowers. Just loved them, so much blur front and back and a very shallow DOF
But didn't quite go according to plan as there were very few flowers, they have cleaned out the beds and planted for the spring. Anyway found a few poppies but couldn't quite get the effect I wanted. Will have another go at some stage.
And another couple in the extras, really liked the shadows falling on the the little croquet green shelters, and the Pukeko was keeping a close eye on me.

Thinking tonight of Ian's Mum Heatherbelle who is in hospital with an infection, hopefully she will be home again in a few days. She is my number one fan, just loves blip and everyday checks out on her iPad what I and my blip friends have been up to....not bad for 88!

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