Lock into Vienna


Added later:  Wifi is stronger now we are closer into the centre of Vienna so I can add a bit more - I never know if things are going to upload at all!  We are having a very relaxing time - I think we have got used to a more relaxing lifestyle for now with someone else to bring the drinks lots of interesting people to talk to and lots to look at.  Today has been a full day of cruising and we are now waiting to dock in Vienna where we will be whisked off in our finery after dinner to go to a concert at the Palais de Leichtenstein.  We come back to a Goulash Soup party!

Tomorrow is based in Vienna generally but we are on a day trip to Bratislava and a train trip back to Vienna.  They are a little concerned about low water levels around Regensburg so we don't quite know yet whether this boat will get to Nuremburg or whether we will have to change boats.  Monday is decision day apparently...

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