A Funny Thing happened.....

This started out a dull chilly sorta ugly day and as The Bossess was going to have an affair with a bloke called Jim, The Boss dropped her (at Gym’s place) and we went for a Blipathon up the road a bit and the sun sorta sorta just for a bit did it’s thing.
I thought The Boss was going to bust something as I have never seen him dive across the road and thru a fence so fast and I was worried that there may have been those insulator thingies on the fence and he may have had a shocking experience but alas goodie…there weren’t. 

This did not last long…..The light NOT the affair with Jim, well that didn’t last long either as there were other folk looking for reformation in the place so The Bossess had to share. The Boss says he would love to share an affair but forgive him for he kno’s not what trouble he is getting himself into.

The Bossess emerged sore but more flexible ( Gym can be a bit rough it seems) and we all retired to a Coffee joint where I was able to watch them through the window and I got rewarded for my well controlled silence later.

We walked home and met some lovely folk at “The Tree” yes "that one" especially the lovely lady from Nova Scotia and the bloke from Wellington. Isn't it a wonderful world that a bloke from Wellington of all places, should have met such a lovely lady from Nova Scotia. He probably didn’t tell her at the time I suppose. Well you wouldn’t…would you?
Then it turned into an almost Blip meeting when Piano lady and “D” turned up too. 
That’s the thing about Wanaka…Days often end better then they start.

Extra photo is "The Tree" from The Bossess’s fruit phone.

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