Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sunny Days and Determination!

I woke at my usual time of 6am, shortly before the Cat Alarm went off again (I'd ignored her at 4am).  With Mum & Dad sleeping, I snuck downstairs, planned meals for the week, made a shopping list and then enjoyed my breakfast outside.  I so much miss not having a green space to call my own!

My favourite place to sit first thing is the back step (sorry Dad, google says I'm right on this one).  It gets the sun, there's no neighbours directly opposite, it's green and quiet.  In what used to be the bog garden, there are now some lovely ferns, growing up through them is Meadowsweet.  A plant I'm used to seeing by the canal at home.

It was a busy and productive day.  In the morning we started bringing down boxes of stuff to sort through.  We've got a small Marquee (a little bigger than a gazebo) up in the garden to give some extra work space and keep any dust outside.  Around 2pm, Mum & I headed in to town with our first tip run of recycling, then to the supermarket before I went to meet an old school friend, L.  Having missed our Christmas catch up with Granny being so ill, we had a lot to talk about.

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