If you go down to the woods .....

 ....... today ...... I hope they didn't look as foreboding as this!!

I took precisely four photos today - all very bland - so a bit of post-processing licence to make this one a little more interesting .... not sure that it worked but it's all I have.

Better on large (marginally).

Off  "missioning" again tomorrow ...... miles and miles of driving and hotels and flights ..... ahhhh the exciting tiring life of a super-spy!!

Abstract Thursday and Flower Friday (combined with WBBN) have been backblipped ..... not sure where this week has gone - but gone it has!!

Will try for a WBBN quizzy thing over the next three days - not promising much but will give it a shot - they are going to be long days.

Thank you for your patience.

On the technology front I got my first smartphone today - dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century at last - all I have to do is work out how IT works!!  Aaaaaargh.

~ Anni ~ 

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