Clivestock - The Main Day

I struggle to get more than six hours sleep at the best of times so camping and festivals don't bother me with the lack of sleep. It was a cold night too so I was quite keen to get up early, make a brew and get the BBQ fired up for breakfast.

The music starts at lunchtime so a nice relaxed chill in the morning was in order. 

We had a brilliant Cocktail Bar this year too and all money goes to charity so it would be rude not to buy one (see extras)

'Under The Fridge' a Red Hot Chili Peppers cover band kicked off the dancing and I must say they were excellent, I've loved the Chilis from their very early days when they were at their best. This tribute band did them justice and I really enjoyed a bit of head thumping to them.

The afternoon was followed by tile painting for a collage, we could paint what we wanted to mark our place on the wall, most of us had a go and in the extras you can see my effort, painting is not my best medium.

Plastic Pantomime the main act and my main image were brilliant as ever but Sean on guitar/lead singer had some interesting attire on (see Extras), WoW!

A super day was had, the weather was fantastic and we all stayed up beyond 2:00am

The other extra is of James, one of the cutest little dudes ever.

Thank you Clive for your field and Plastic Pantomime for putting on another great weekend which raises so much for charity.

I love you guys

Mr Bo Hingles


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