... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Egyptian Geese: flap-drying

I've had trouble choosing blips: I've needed to blip today and back blip yesterday, and on both days I was happy with pictures of moorhenlings, cootlings, and goslings... Sigh
What a dilemma...
So, I narrowed it down by choosing to blip a moorhenling for one day, and a gosling for the other. BUT, it is still tricky... Would people rather see the birds looking cute, or beautiful, or weird?!
For example, I got a picture of a moorhenling standing up LIKE A SASQUATCH! It was odd, very odd (blippably odd), but hardly a pretty picture. It was a bit creepy if I'm honest...
I'm tempted to use this as an excuse to upgrade myself (to get blipfolio), but perhaps that'd be a cop-out for me as it'd just be a way to sidestep narrowing it down to one alone, and perhaps then I'd just struggle to choose a few.


ANYWAY, today's pic seems to be a fledgling (apparently): they're almost flying now! Today they were flapping across the pond and almost getting air between their feet and the water! Yay.
This fledgling was drying its wings after diving under the water in a bit of a washing frenzy. I love all the spray flying off its wings, and the cute blank look on its face. They really look almost "ready".

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