Splash Zone!

It finally stopped raining long enough to have some pool time with our Grandson this evening! As soon as Pop, went out on the patio in his bathing suit, Gavin started to take off his clothes.  He couldn't wait to go run and jump in the water.  His favorite thing today was to squirt water in my face and then laugh like it was the funniest thing ever!  If he stayed for another week, I think he would be swimming all by himself.  We had a blast playing with both of the grandkids.  Earlier in the day during another rainstorm, we spent lots of time at the Great Exploration Museum.  It was a perfect place to go on a rainy day with so much to keep them interested and occupied!  After some much needed naps and a break in the rain, we then took the kids outside to ride bikes. Now that Gavin is sound asleep this Grandma is heading to bed!

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