

3.40 pm - Thick cloud over Goatfell

Oh yes. Today I did my favourite walk on The Isle of Arran. You should find the great pictures from amazing April' s weekend this year here. Note that this walk requires good equipment (ideal scrambling boots), experienced walkers and rope (just in case if you want to go through the whole ridge). Don' t be risky.

First at all I must say that BBC weather forecast is my great secondary source for weather forecast. Especially if I' m going to the Highlands. First option is mwis . I could' t imagine how they are doing that. The weather report said that I should expect sunny spells during the morning hours. After that the thick cloud was coming past 1 pm. Even light rain was expected around 5 pm. Well the rain started at 4 pm but it was all right for me because I passed through the most difficult part of the walk - A' Chir' s ridge at that moment. Of course I modified the walk at the end of A' Chir' s ridge because some parts were bit slippy and I won' t to be a risky walker today.
The truth is that the weather conditions were optimal for hill walking today 'till 3.30 pm. Not so hot (12 - 15°C). Wind speed was almost between 15 - 20 mph and the chance to see cloud free corbetts was good on the Isle of Arran during the early afternoon hours. I saw even Paps of Jura for the part of the day. Southern, central and even Northern parts of the Highlands were the different story probably. Cloudy, poor visibility etc. Clouds came to Arran' s peaks past 3pm. After that all Arran' s peak were covered in thick cloud and light rain came to the whole area of Arran I think.
Anyway the weather conditions were not so great for taking a photographs. Fortunately when I was leaving the top of Cir Mhor I have seen a beautiful scenery over the highest peak on the Arran - The Goatfell. Whole Goatfell' s ridge was hidden by clouds after a few minutes. The same happened to opposite side (A' Chir, Beinn Tarsuinn, Cir Mhor, Caisteal Abhail) while I finally reached the Glen Rosa.

So here I am with hillwalking blip. Enjoy ;-)

Btw. Arran was pretty busy today. You should visit the Highland Games there. I saw and heard a few Scottish local pipes bands when I was waiting for the ferry. Funny fact was that I reached the Brodick ferry terminal around 6pm. The ferry departure is officially scheduled at 7.20pm but we left the Brodick around 8.20 pm. Oh well I arrived at home past midnight :-)

Nothing is perfect. All that happened on Saturday.

FIY: recommended track for the "A'Chir' s Flickr gallery viewing

SYSTEM 7 - Masato Eternity

Enjoy your weekend everybody and thank you for your comments. Much appreciated for all those comments. I didn' t check your channels because I came back to Edinburgh past 0.30 am. Hope that I will have a chance on Sunday night ;-)

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