Stuff & Things

By itshawis


The bad news was delivered at 9.35am, the Waverley sailing was cancelled.


However, in 1947 post war austerity stylie we were resourceful and adaptable and over a coffee we made a new plan to go to Largs instead.

It wasn't until we hit the City Centre that we realised that our themed day out didn't make much sense any more. Still we had a new motto for the day Keep calm and curry on. In Largs we would find curry and puggies it would be just like Dunoon without full blown Nautism on the Waverley.

Rail travel conspired against us so we ended up in Ayr. Ah the joys of being inappropriately dressed in the town you grew up in the middle of the day.

Still, an ace curry and fun at the puggies before heading home.

This is me in my tribute to funnelage head gear.

Waverley, we'll be back.

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