The New Holy Trinity

I unexpectedly found myself in Leeds at lunchtime. I couldn't find my wallet yesterday, despite a cursory search in the morning and a far more thorough and desperate search in the evening. I still wasn't too worried. This old house has a habit of devouring wallets and keys and items of clothing (with a particular predilection for single socks), to regurgitate them later in strange places. It wasn't too long ago that my wallet eventually turned up in my knickers draw!

I did get worried though when a fresh search this morning still failed to reveal its whereabouts. The last time I definitely knew I had it with me was on the train home on Saturday night. I called the Lost Property Office at Leeds Station and within seconds they confirmed that they had it - complete with £35 of cash. Since I started blipping this is third occasion I've left my wallet on the train and all three times it's been found and handed in untouched. Rather than considering myself lucky this perhaps proves that the majority of people are thoroughly decent and honest. It might also prove something else about me ... but let's not go into that!

I took the opportunity while waiting for my return train to Shipley to wander into the alien environment of the Trinity Shopping Centre. It was like stepping into a whole other world. A kind of cathedral indeed. Perhaps next time I might even try entering one of the shops and buying something ... but, then, perhaps not. That might be just a little too weird. I don't really do religion.

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