Mesic Vision

By MesicVision

:: sisters part two ::

Last year these sisters were just getting to know each other. Miss A knew she loved the little bundle, but was not sure she'd ever be able to get really close to her or do anything much with her. This morning everyone ended up in our bed, and first dad slipped away for a coffee with me soon to follow. As I looked back at them sleeping there, I could not resist grabbing my camera for a shot. They are so peaceful here, so close, just the way they are when awake.

I could have never snapped this with my old camera. The ISO didn't go this high, and even at the top ISO the quality would have been horrendous. Also, at that maxed out ISO, I could not have a shutter speed fast enough for hand-held. I am loving this camera more every day simply for the fact that she allows me to capture things I was missing before.

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