Foxy's Folio


Boxed In

One week in to the kitchen re-fit and, having got most of the old kitchen out in the garden, we now have the new kitchen in the dining room. The delivery men arrived at 7.15 this morning ( amost uncivilised hour for a Saturday) and left us just enough room to perform a sort of vertical limbo whenever we need to hunt down those everyday items that would normally be stored in kitchen cupboards and are now hidden behind / underneath / amongst the boxes. I'll be relieved when we get the new kitchen in the kitchen!

The balloon, by the way, was sent to us in advance to be hung outside so that the delivery men could find us. We didn't put it out till late last night for fear of having a stream of 5 year olds knocking at the door expecting jelly, ice cream, party games, etc.

Delighted that Roy and the boys heeded Criminal's advice from yesterday's blip!

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