Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Alistair is 70

My good friend Alistair recently celebrated his 70th birthday. He was away in France with all his family on the day, but today a crowd of us were invited to an afternoon party at his house.

There was good food, good company, a few tall tales and lots of laughs. It was nice enough for us to be out in the garden all the time, although it was cool in the shade.

On a walk recently I captured a photo of Al counting something using his fingers. Julie used the photo as the subject for her birthday card for Al. As you can see, he is well able to take a joke.

I was hard pressed to decide which image to use as my blip. The BBQ was ably manned by Pat with burgers and sausages on offer. In the extra photo, you will see Julie, the card maker, tackling a sausage.

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