horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Earth to Cyclists

Earthy Foods at Causewayside have moved their bike parking. Now it was always a bit of a pain to use, you need a long-ish chain to reach any of the frame through the little metal loops in the log (and forget it if you've got a d-lock) meaning you can only lock a wheel. The log fits in with the 'earthy' feel, but the cut-outs are also difficult to get the bike balanced without running he risk of bending your wheel. Oh, and because they've moved it against a wall three spaces have been lost.

When I was there I was one of three cyclists in the store but not one of us, not one, had locked up in the 'official' area. Perhaps, as someone pointed out on Twitter, hey really are just pandering to 4x4 drivers from the Grange with their large car park (though he presence of me and the other cyclists would counter that).

In truth the Porty store is a lot closer to home, and has useable and practical bike parking options (only for four bikes, but they have no parking for cars given the space-at-a-premium location. But Causewayside is on the way home, so an occasional stop. The bike parking is the only bad point to an otherwise excellent store. And yes, rather than just whingeing about it here I will be contacting them....

Anyway, Friday. In October or November if the weather is anything to go by.

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