Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


He looks like he's gargling to me.  Perhaps he has a sore throat or maybe it's just dry.  After all, it has been well over 100ºF.   I think we're headed for a record 106ºF today with it four degrees higher over the weekend.  Unprecedented temperatures for this time of year. 

I really feel sorry for the birds.  They should be starting to get the feeling by now that the heat is winding down.  June was our hottest month.  They should be getting ready to fly to better climates by now...warmer  for the winter!  This must really be confusing them.

I haven't seen any of the "bigger" birds -  cardinals, orioles, etc - in a while.  I think the orioles may have left town.  The books I have say they leave around now.  I'm still putting out oranges, though.

Glad to see this guy still gurgling his way around.  Won't be much longer, though.  The kids (only two boys left) are pretty much grown up and ready to go out on their own now.

The termites are gone but I've been told to give the house a going over about once a month - just in case.  I got an estimate on repairing the leaking roof over the garage, some dry rot in both the front and back of the house and having the entire thing painted, which it sorely needs.  Yikes!  Home ownership is both a blessing and a curse, isn't it?

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