Dusk at Fraser's Garage, Munlochy. I do love the "blue hour", and it is becoming noticeably earlier as the weeks go by... though it's been mostly grey rather blue of late. May be cool tonight, with so few clouds about.

Shortly after taking this, a flock of about forty Greylag Geese flew low over here, towards the bay behind me. They started appearing just over a week ago, and I suspect they're come after breeding on the West coast, and Outer Isles. There are increasing numbers breeding in those areas, and it's a bit early for those from further flung places. They also seem less fearful of humans. That may change when the local wildfowlers start their shooting season.

Little achieved this weekend.

(Edit: Just had a look at a previous Blip of this scene, with a normal lens, about four years back. The fuel price was a darn site higher back then, than currently.)

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