Life Songs

By TenorSong

#300 - Something Special

Well, 300 down!

There are many things in my life and home that are important to me (I have put links below), but these books are something truly special that I feel very VERY lucky to own.

They are a 3 book complete collection of Beethoven Sonatas published sometime between October 8, 1862 - April 27, 1942, possibly earlier. How do I know this? They have pencil markings pronouncing the owner to be Emil von Sauer and his own hand written notes throughout them. 'He was a pupil of Franz Liszt and one of the most distinguished pianists of his generation'

A very kind family friend gave them to me as a present and I wish I knew more about her to know how this came about!

Anyway, these are a few of my favourite things, thank you for your 300 days of support!

-My Cat
-My Family
-My Friends
-My Horn
-My Shoes

And of course, the ever patient and enduring Mr Song but he never lets me take his photo...

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