Dental Health

It is a seriously miserable day outside this Saturday. We've not done much - I did a bit of work earlier, then MrsCyclops and I went to see Fast Girls at the cinema. It was was pretty good if a tad predicatable. In places the cinematography was spectacular, and the soundtrack suited it well and kept it contemportary. Definitely worth seeing if you're looking for something, but somewhere short of "must see".

I keep seeing these interdental cleaning sticks (when I use them each evening) and thinking they might make a good blip, so tonight they are it. Hopefully they are continuing to help me with my dental hygiene and I'll not be tortured too much by the Dental Hygenist this coming Tuesday...


The EXIF reveals I didn't take this the way I intended, but as I got the shot I wanted I think I'll ignore that fact :-)

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