Sense of Purpose

By brainfreeze

Tunnock's treats from the UK

I had a special treat waiting for me at my parents' place when I came here. RedFlash had sent me some Tunnock's treats all the way from the UK - and it was all her idea, so I didn't even have to beg for them! :) How cool is that! The Teacakes were probably my favourites, but I basically liked all of them a lot. There were three of each treats (I think) but obviously there were only one of each left when it came time for a blip. ;) The Snowballs hadn't quite managed to stay intact during the trip, but they were delicious nevertheless.

After more than three years the generosity of the people here at Blipfoto still keeps amazing me. Thank you again, RedFlash, we enjoyed your gift very, very much!

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