From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

This won't be a long tale....

Well, the tit has a long tail but I won't be writing a long tale. Big sigh of relief all round I think.....

I fancied a break and it's amazingly hard to restart again once you have stopped. 

I'm just back to say 'hello' and say thank you to all those who have asked after my health. I am fine and have not generated a gooey mess after being run over by a bus.

I haven't been sacked yet either, which is always good news too.

News in general? There is none really. It's impossible to get hold of people during August. Leave and school holidays make things slow and difficult. 

I think most Scottish schools went back yesterday. English schools aren't back until after the English August bank holiday at the end of the month. Most of Scotland had one on August the 3rd.

This is not a tale of two cities; it's a tale of two countries.

My long-tailed tit wasn't bothered either way. The woodpecker I missed fled as soon as he spotted me. Story of my life!

That's it. I'll stop now.

Track? Here's one from 1971 by Atomic Rooster which featured on an episode of Life On Mars I watched during last week - Decision / Indecision  

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