Life through the lens...

By ValC

The plum walk.

Lovely morning, and so after MOT at the doctors.( Blood Pressure OK for us both.) we took the bus to The Valley pub, for the start of our walk from Cockersdale to Tong village, and back home.
I call this our plum walk, as after a walk through the valley, following Tong beck, we take the old pack horse path, up to Tong village, and near the top there are several wild plum trees.
Our luck was in. The branches were full of plums, and although most were out of reach, ( as usual!) we managed to pick just over two pounds.
We noticed that already the swallows were gathering on the wires, ready for their long trip back to Africa. ( Must be fed up with our poor summer!)
The blackberries were just starting to ripen, and the rowan berries had turned red.
We were too early for the pub, so had a coffee at Lane End Farm shop, ( sat outside in the sunshine, watching the donkeys.)and bought pork pies and ham to bring home for lunch.

The collage shows:
The church of St James, Tong ( rebuilt in the 1700's)
An old farm we passed.
Tong beck, and Cockersdale.
Tong Pinnfold, and pump.
Greyhound pub.
Rowan berries.
Donkey at the Farm Shop.
Emley Moor mast.
Last but not least the dish of plums!

Now ready for a rest!

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