Dirty Diving Devils in the Dumpster

6:00 a.m. I was having a good dream about visiting Yellowstone National Park, and suddenly, I was wide awake. I wondered why Lisa was still in bed, because she usually gets up at 6.

6:30 a.m. Her alarm finally goes off, and I race her to the bathroom. I win. I offer to make her breakfast, but she turns me down.

7:35 a.m. I'm drifting back to sleep, but I hear her leave for work.

The phone rings at 7:42. I groggily say hello. It was Lisa.

"There's four baby raccoons in the dumpster if you are interested." I was.

Obviously, it's not as good as them peeking out of a hole in a tree, but it was still fun to see the little varmints. As I had the camera up to my eye, I kept worrying about Mom Raccoon attacking my ankle, so I could never relax.

Come to find out, after I got the images on the computer, that lump in front of the babies IS mom. Evidently, she wasn't interested in breakfast.

What kind of mom encourages her babies to go dumpster diving? Think of the germs...think of the rotting food....think of the smells.


https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157657108656848  Two close-ups of the bandits are on my Flickr page, because I can't figure out how to put them into the extras. I DON'T LIKE NEW THINGS!!!

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