The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Some party!

Apologies first: I went to Cheltenham to meet my friend Dave. We had a delightful meal in a charming French restaurant, and
I completely forgot to bring my camera. So, no Regency Architecture or Red Mullet: just this lousy text.

I am going back to Argyll next Tues, after my teaching session and other work on Sunday and Monday. I hope to have more fun and less sorting out this time ...I will bring DVDs, a teapot and wetsuit, if this text is to be believed. Folk in Argyll certainly know how to enjoy themselves.

The DVDS are because there's no broadband yet where my sister's living. The teapot is because she hasn't got one. Her daughter said,
"we used to have three but they all went wrong".
The mind boggles.

The Wetsuit is because summer has arrived, I am told, and evening swimming is now taking place in Tralee Bay. About time!

My sister's children are already back at school, or started their new ones. Fine time for summer to start!

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