Green deserts...

Closely mowed lawns and grass verges can, let's face it, be little more than green deserts. Even the grass in them isn't allowed to grow and set seed. There's very little biodiversity in a lawn.

So I like it when a grass verge is turned into a wildflower meadow. I've been driving past this particular one for a couple of weeks now and watching it develop. I've never had one of my camera devices with me to record it. So this time I drove home, picked up my iPhone and walked back to it. After a grey morning, Manchester is having some of the hot sun the rest of the country is enjoying so a walk was nice.

The meadow is mostly cornflowers which are usually blue, but I spotted this rather beautiful wine red one. The extra picture is a more general view of the meadow. The bees were loving it. More of this please....

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