Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy Note,

this little girl never fails to amaze me, she drives us up the wall and back again,
she keeps us on our toes, the tantrums make us want to run away, the back chat
making us dread the teenage years,
the door slamming resulting in us jumping,
But when it really comes down to it, she is simply amazing, outside the house her
manners perfect, her behavior one to be proud of, her attitude so sweet, happy to
throw herself into any new situation, make new friends, yesterday, proved to us,
that we have managed to some how bring up a proper lil lady, one to be very proud
of xxx

I love you fern-willow, till the very end, never ever forget that

PS I know this style of photo isn't to everyone's taste, but I personally love it :)

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