The Fall

This little fellow almost fell on my head this morning as I stood under his nest. I'm not sure what caused his fall, but he seemed to rebound very well. Dazed as he was, he found some shelter to gather his whereabouts and as the day progressed, so did he disappearing early this afternoon.

A fall from your nest, or from grace, can happen unexpectedly, and like my little friend requires us to take a moment to step back and collect our thoughts.

Through prayer and a contrite heart whatever caused us to stumble can be put behind us, used as a learning experience, and actually strengthen us. 

I suspect my little friend has quite a story to share tonight ...and some prayers to offer.

For the righteous fall seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. (Proverbs 24:16 ESV)

Pray on...

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