99 anyone?

We had planned on going out somewhere today, the weather was quite nice this morning, but all we managed was a trip to a Sportswear shop, a new Pilates mat for me. Hub came away with two new pairs of shoes, and two polo,shirts! Then to the toy shop for presents for Caitlyns birthday in a couple of weeks and then grocery shopping at Sainsburys :-/

Although we did treat ourselves to a rather decadent homemade lunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for a change :-)

The boiler man came to price up the job for a new boiler, quote to follow :-0

Then it was a trip round to see daughter with birthday presents as Emily is 7 tomorrow. She is having six friends and their mums round for a little party, but her surprise is that all her friends are staying for a sleepover, so I'm sure it will be a lively house tomorrow night...hope daughter has her earplugs at the ready ;-)

We got back,and treated ourselves to an icecream :-)

Missed the bake off will have to catch up.....

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