People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Sunset SP 2 & 3

As promised yesterday, I repeated my shadow-chasing. I was ready this time, my camera all set on the tripod. I knew I will only have a few minutes, and I used them to the fullest.

I don't like SPs much, as I feel self-conscious and critical of my facial expressions way more than needed. This time however something was different. It wasn't about me at all; it was all about the light. I knew it will be fun to have different parts of my face in the shade, so I manipulated that. I didn't even consider the shadows my head will be casting, so these were a nice surprise after I downloaded the images.

As I was taking the pictures, I was in the flow. Self-timer added some running back and forth, but I wasn't annoyed at all, just happy to be fully immersed in this collaboration with the setting sun. Sure enough, a few minutes later (no idea how many; I lost track of time), the magic was gone, and the bookshelf no longer lit.

I am including an extra shot, as I couldn't decide which was better. White balance is a bit off on both, but as my laptop screen shows something different than my monitor, and different yet than my cell phone, I pretty much gave up on adjusting the colors.

This was fun.

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