more bears...

...this time the skull of a small??!! black bear.
Alongside is a spray can of 'Bear Spray'- Grizzly Grade!
When M told me we would probably carry bear spray with us on our hikes I foolishly assumed the spray would be like Australian mozzie spray (ie sprayed on me to repel bears...duhhh.)
Not so, it is sprayed  AT the bear should it decide to get a tad over friendly.
The trick apparently is to spray into the air at their standing up tummy height (still very tall mind you) so that when they come down onto all fours to charge they get an eyeful of the peppery spray.
Eeeek. We will be standing tall and singing show tunes to let them know we're about!

I will be off line for a few days as tomorrow another adventure begins in Glacier Park and then on for a few days of travelling.
So no blips for a few days and NO not because of an over enthusiastic grizzly (I hope.)

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