Dog parking

I called into my local supermarket and spotted this fella, parked up in one of the dog parking areas. Nice that he could be nicely colour coordinated with the sign.

He looked cold and miserable sheltering out of the light rain. In the past I had a dog called Stanley, and I know how they can turn on their looks to elicit sympathy!

When I woke I could see rain wasn't far away. The remnants of my cold linger on and I didn't want a wet run. Instead I did an hour or so of Pilates with my friend Diana. I could still walk at the end ;-)

With most of my domestics done, I visited my friend with Parkinsons. I admire Jen's attitude. Always good to catch up and always a reminder of what is really important in life.

I woke at 12.30am today with the light still on and my phone still in my hand. The video I was watching had finished. I'll try to avoid that tonight.

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