To Utrecht

A most pleasant 38 miles. Leaving Leiden without an eat, MrW spotted a SPAR (oh joy) on his app after a few increasingly hungry miles. We sprinted to the line - it was a SPAR museum ?!?! And it was closed. Irony, indeed. Still, we soon found a shop as we wound our way along canals and the old and new Rhine, apparently. And the market was on at Woerden so we loaded up with produce, sitting at trestle tables in the sunshine, batting away bloody wasps.
And so to Utrecht, and a nifty campsite on a fort on an island. No cars! Or campervans, or caravans. Lots of wee kids from Dutch hippy parents, mind. After a reviving beer, we bussed down town. Cafe Belgie! That's a recommendation!
But now, as I lie in the tent, I'm listening to the drumming rain. Lights out soon. I can hear one of my compadres snoring already...

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