What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Cardiff Photomarathon 2012

"12 hours, 12 topics, 12 photos, 1 unforgettable day"

So sums up the Photomarathon, possibly the greatest endurance photography event in the world. Not that physical endurance is especially important, it's more of a challenge to keep your mental faculties together to keep the creativeness going throughout the day, all the way up to the 10pm deadline (and in several cases a bit of a journey home afterward!)

This year's topics were a bundle of awesome, and I have uploaded (for the first time) my shots to my Blipfolio!

They were, in the order received:
Batch 1:
1) My Entry Number / Celebrate
2) Press
3) Friendship
4) City Life
Batch 2:
5) My Favourite Thing
6) The State We're In
7) Handmade
8) Truth
Batch 3:
9) Out of Place
10) Silence
11) Established
12) Smile

This year was particularly awesome in itself as four of us went; myself, Stef, Owen and Emma. I managed to feature each of them in my shots; Owen helped with #1, Emma squished cupcakes for #2, and Stef wore my fetching hat for #3!

The day itself was wet and windy down in Cardiff but it didn't seem to be putting off us or the other Photomarathoneers. Another Blipper, jaykell took part (with help from his son) so I recommend checking out his topic interpretations as well, there's a link on his Blip for the day, and I'm sure Stef will get around to his at some point as well!

Edited to add: This is again one of those back-Blips leading onto future Blips, forgot to put them in!
Sunday - Jasmine
Monday - Cycleside Decorations

AND a further edit to the Photomarathon Storify that sums up the tweets of the day!

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