One Last Hurrah

Ok so this is it. 1st September. Summer done and dusted. Tomorrow is BTW (if I don't say it out loud, then it might not happen).

So one last hurrah today for the Famous Five or Secret Seven, if you include the dogs. We didn't have sandwiches and lashings of ginger beer, but instead we had a lovely lunch out at the picturesque King Arthur Hotel on Gower.

Then we went for a beautiful walk onto Oxwich Bay and around the headland to Three Cliffs Bay. This was the first time we'd been able to do the whole of this walk, as the tide was low enough for us to walk from one bay to the other. I've included a photo of the three cliffs in the extras. The sun shone and all was good, even after one of Mr M's off the path return trips, which required a bit of bramble beating to make a path.

We finished the trip off with a stop at Joe's ice cream parlour in Mumbles. You really need a trip to Wales to experience this delicious ice cream.

A lovely end to a fabulous summer holiday.
Roll on next summer!

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