The Angus Inn

By angus_inn

The tide of change....

After the craziness of the US presidential election and the general mood of excitement at the result, comes the slight damp squib of a New Zealand general election today.

I cast my vote at lunchtime - or should I say 'votes' as we get a candidate vote for who you want as your MP and a party vote for your favoured party for purposes of proportional representation or something like that. I'll keep my candidate vote to myself but I'm happy to confirm I gave my party vote to the Greens so the state of the planet can be focussed on a bit more in future decisions in parliament. NZ prides itself on a clean green image but that's all it image. the sooner Kiwis wake up to that, the better....

There rant over, high horse dismounted from!

After some very unsettled weather recently it was great to see the sun blazing on a weekend day for once - a cool wind blowing that is to pass and it's same again but a few degrees warmer for Sunday - primo!

I'll be up early tomorrow morning to watch the Scotland take on the All Blacks - as always on these occasions, I'll be watching through my fingers praying that the ABs go easy on the Scotland boys. 'Mon Scotland! get right intae them! They dinnae like it up them!

Have a good one all....

P.S. The reason for the title of this blip is that my money's on a change in government here as well but with the madness of coalitions and proportional representation, National could win my 10% and Labour could still get to stay in power if it allied with the right mickey mouse party - crazy but that's democracy for you. First past the post ain't perfect but at least it's easy - you get more votes than any other party, prepare for government.

P.P.S. This is Lyall Bay on Wellington's south coast!

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